
Hotdogs with Mustard, cole slaw and corn on a cob at a 4th of July BBQ picnic.


We have reached the middle of 2016! It is amazing how fast the year is moving.


Did you set goals for the year? Now is a good time to assess them. Have you made progress towards your goals? Do you feel they are still reasonable? Take a each of your goals and decide if they are still reasonable.


Goals need to be reasonable and measurable. It’s hard to determine if you’ve met your goal if you set a goal to read more books this year. What exactly does that mean? More than what? Make your goal a specific number, and then keep track of your progress.


What is a reasonable goal? If your goal is to run a marathon, and you currently do not exercise, this may not be a reasonable goal. Running a 5k or 10k by the end of the year may be more doable. Break your goal into smaller parts and work toward accomplishing those.


Wait a minute! You didn’t set any goals for 2016? It isn’t too late to do that now. Set aside some time and start thinking about where you’d like to be by December 31, 2016. Think about your health, fitness, intellectual, professional, personal, travel, spiritual, social, and volunteering goals.


Once you have made a goal, for example to improve your health, decide what that means. Will you eat more vegetables? How many? One serving a day? Five? Will you walk thirty minutes a day, five days a week or go to the gym and work out three times a week? Make your goals measurable and reasonable.


Decide what’s important for you to accomplish in 2016 and make a plan to achieve your goals. It isn’t too late to achieve those things you want to do this year. Use today to make a fresh start.


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