As caregivers, we carry around a lot of worries and concerns. These can be anything from financial concerns, sadness over our loved one’s declining health, frustration with our loved one’s behaviors, anger at siblings for not helping to simply how...
A long time ago, I suffered from migraines (then I got a divorce and they disappeared, but that’s a totally different story). When I was being treated for these migraines, one of the therapies they used was biofeedback accompanied by meditation. I completely...
On December 8, the National Alliance for Caregiving released the latest results on their 2009 study, “Caregiving in the U.S.” , the most comprehensive examination to date. Here are some highlights from the study: 65.7 million Americans (29% of the U.S. Population)...
When I woke up this morning, I was crying. I had been dreaming about my father (who passed away at the end of September). I recall that in my dream, he was not alive and was propped in a chair. I was crying, saying “I’m SO sorry; I didn’t...
Again, I am bringing you guest blogger, Gary Liska from QAS ( Quality Assured Services, Inc.) because his expertise is in Coumadin therapy, INR testing and Vitamin K regulation. When my father was placed on Coumadin, the physician’s instructions were to...