
A couple of weeks ago I broke a wine glass.  It was a special wine glass – one that Phil received when he attended The Wine Blogger’s Conference in Walla Walla.  This particular glass was designed by Master Sommelier Andrea Robinson and is called The One – meaning that she believes you need just one glass for red wines and one glass for white wines.

Because I didn’t want to buy and ship just one glass, I bought a set of four.  As I was making room for them in the cupboard, I came across the glass that we used to use for my father’s wine.  It’s been over a year since he passed away but I still keep it in the same spot.

As you may already know, each evening we played at least 2 hours of Cribbage before dinner and while playing, we enjoyed a glass of wine.  Dad’s wine was always watered down a bit.  He never actually said that he noticed but every once in awhile he would say………this wine is flavorless!  It tastes like water!  Oooops, too much water added.

Now I’m not going to recommend that you offer wine to your aging parent or loved one.  My point has more to do with the glass.

Dad’s glass was sturdier than ours and while I felt a bit guilty about giving him the less expensive wine glass, I knew it was easier for him to hold and less likely to break.  So when making room for the new wine glasses, I could not bring myself to remove Dad’s wine glass from the cupboard and replace it with a new glass.  His glass needed to occupy that space.

I also continue to keep his favorite coffee cup on the shelf and a couple of his canes in the antique umbrella holder.  I’m not delusional.  I know he’ll never return but just in case he is looking down upon us, I want him to know that he is always welcome in this home.


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