Having lived in California for over 40 years and while working as an R.N., we were very aware of emergency preparedness. I once took a 2-day earthquake preparedness class and learned that there are many more items that should be included than those that are typically...
The Five Love Languages The “Five Love Languages” is a great book by Senior Pastor Gary Chapman that has changed the way we do things as a couple. It’s very easy to read and incorporate the knowledge into your life. I loved it so much that I sent it...
I found this on an old piece of paper stuffed in one of my planners. I’m pretty sure it was one of those emails people circulated back in the days before Facebook. I don’t know who wrote it but I love the message so thought I would post it here so as not...
I should probably be writing more content about COVID-19 just to document our experiences but I’ve not written much. We are experiencing pandemic fatigue. I’m writing today in partnership with The American Cleaning Institute to raise awareness about “pandemic...
See Me Disrupt Aging Roundtable I recently attended a webinar about beauty and aging sponsored by See Me Beauty and AARP’s Disrupt Aging. In this live roundtable event moderated by Michelle Lee, editor in chief of Allure magazine, 6 diverse women discussed the...