The Best Stadium-Approved Handbags for Summer 2023

The Best Stadium-Approved Handbags for Summer 2023

Do you have a stadium-approved handbag for use at concerts and sporting events? Most venues now have regulations on what kinds and what sizes of handbags can be brought in. By using a clear handbag, you can usually get away with bringing a larger size. I want to share...
How to Use Skin Cycling to Uplevel Your Skincare Routine

How to Use Skin Cycling to Uplevel Your Skincare Routine

First an admission. My skin is not good; it’s actually pathetic! I grew up in southern California and spent a lot of time on the beach. I never wore sunscreen back then and in fact, we used to apply baby oil and Coppertone to our skin in large quantities,...
5 Reasons to Try The California Wine Club

5 Reasons to Try The California Wine Club

Because of our wine podcast, Wine Time Fridays, and just because we love wine, we try out a lot of wine clubs, both locally and nationally. Some are great; some are not so great. We’ve noticed that there are a lot of wine clubs out there that just buy...
Self-Care Sucks!

Self-Care Sucks!

When I was a caregiver for my father, everyone was always saying, “You have to take care of yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup.” In fact, one of the biggest complaints from caregivers is that they are always being told this… to which...