Having been both an R.N. and a patient, I have experienced both sides of the lack of transparency in health care. When I first became an R.N., it seemed that all information relating to our patients was hush-hush, at least until the physician was available to chat at...
Hundreds of thousands of people are alive today because other people chose to participate in clinical trials. The more people that participate, the faster critical research questions can be answered and the faster a product of procedure can become available to those...
Agitation in Alzheimer’s Research Study Seeks Participants – August 28th 2013 This just came across my desk this afternoon and so I thought I would share it with you. If you are a caregiver for a parent or loved one who is suffering from the symptoms of...
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As Seen in O, The Oprah Magazine and excited to be serving my 4th year as a brand ambassador for them.