How the Past Can Help the Present – by Maryellen Kernaghan There is a wonderful video called “Care home turns back the clock on dementia”. You can find it at and search under “health” . I highly suggest seeking it out. It...
As we come into the holiday season, many of us reflect back on the “old days” – and sometimes they seem more poignant now than when they were happening! One question that has always haunted me is what is the difference between being an elder and...
I just attended a webinar on falls presented by Warren Hellelfinger, CEO of Bay Alarm Medical. Yes, it was a sales presentation but I learned some astonishing information and wanted to pass it along to you, as a caregiver or would-be caregiver. First of all, falls...
A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year grandson. The old man’s hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered. The family ate together at the table. But the elderly grandfather’s shakey hands and failing...
Well, here’s a post that I never anticipated writing. My Mom was almost the victim of an elder abuse scam today! My sister and I were able to thwart the would-be abuser just seconds before my Mom wired him almost $5000.00. Here’s what happened: My Mom,...