We all know seniors who are determined to continue to live on their own. Many of them are capable and successfully independent. For a variety of reasons, there are still many seniors over the age of 65 who continue to be at risk while living alone. Many don’t...
Are you considering a medical alert system (also known as PERS devices, as in personal emergency response systems) in your home or the home of a loved one? If so, you may be on the fence about whether one is truly necessary. It’s a fact that a medical alert...
“We are free to choose our actions, but we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions” ~Steven Covey It’s been a long time since I’ve really written anything personal, so I begin this post with a bit of trepidation. As many...
A Comparison of PERS/MPERS Devices (Just a note that this article was originally published in December of 2011.) A Personal Emergency Response System (or PERS) is a service generally provided by a private company, that helps to monitor its subscribers for falls,...
Senior Citizens and Fall Prevention By Guest Writer: Ruth Rogers Every year, many senior citizens have a fall. Not all of the falls are devastating, but many of them are. Falls can cause broken or fractured bones, loss of motor function and independence, and even...
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As Seen in O, The Oprah Magazine and excited to be serving my 4th year as a brand ambassador for them.