I just attended a webinar on falls presented by Warren Hellelfinger, CEO of Bay Alarm Medical. Yes, it was a sales presentation but I learned some astonishing information and wanted to pass it along to you, as a caregiver or would-be caregiver. First of all, falls...
We often hear about “having the talk” with our parents and when we do, it usually has to do with our parents needing help and finding a way to help them without overstepping their boundaries. But I believe there is another “big talk” that...
Today I read an article in the AARP Bulletin Today entitled “Can Training With Computer Games Keep You Driving Safer and Longer?” by Julie Halpert( http://tinyurl.com/yz9snxf ) which made me very concerned for the safety of all drivers. Below is the...
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As Seen in O, The Oprah Magazine and excited to be serving my 4th year as a brand ambassador for them.