
Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Hi,  I just wanted to tell you about some awesome news !  It’s the Mom Blog Event of the Year  and I wouldn’t want any of you to miss it !  The event starts next Monday, March 20th (the first day of Spring ! ) and runs until Sunday, March 27th.

Sponsored by Janice and Susan of http://www.5MinutesforMom.com, thay state that “The blogging life is about relationships — meaningful friendships that grow out of sharing who we are and getting to know one another.

During the week of March 20-27th, the blogosphere will be partying carnival style — jumping through our Mr. Linky list of participating bloggers.

Last year, the Ultimate Blog Party 2008 had over 1500 bloggers participating .”  AND there will be prizes -lots of them!  Both bloggers and non-bloggers will have a chance to win prizes.

Again, according to Jancie and Susan  “whether you have your own blog, or you just read blogs, you are invited to the party — and you are included in the prize draw!

All you need to do to be eligible for the prizes is comment on our party post and attend some parties.

(Visit and comment on at least 20 blogs participating blogs – simply click on the blogs name on the list of links called the Mr. Linky to party hop – and you will qualify as a party guest.)”

I will be posting the “Mr. Linky” on the day the party begins !  This is a great way to have fun and discover some new and exciting blogs or reacquaint yourself with a couple you may have forgotten.


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