

Ask the Nurse is a new feature that we are offering in order to answer specific questions that you might have.  If you have any questions related to caregiving or certain illnesses, I’d be more than happy to address them.  If I don’t know the answer, I will find it.

I do not take your trust in me for granted. I try very hard to provide you with information that will benefit you as a caregiver and uplift your spirits with inspiration along the journey.

Send your questions to eldercaresupport@gmail.com.  I will  make every effort to answer within 2 days and will post the answers here.  The question will be posted but for your privacy, your name will not be.

As always, please know that this section is  for educational purposes only and that “Ask the Nurse” and The Eldercare Support Group are for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  Neither can we provide legal or financial advise. While our goal is to provide you with useful information and resources, we would caution you that for your own safety, you should always seek the advice of a licensed professional in your area of need.

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