I’ve been reading (and listening to) a lot of personal development books over the past 3 years and many of them share the importance of having a morning routine, a routine that happens before the business of the day sets in. Whether you are concentrating on a...
Can you get a good night’s sleep on an old mattress? Possibly not! People spend an average of one-third of their lives on beds, which makes them the home’s most-used furniture piece. The average lifespan of mattresses is 6 to 8 years, according to The Sleep...
5 Ways to Stay Hopeful During Uncertain Times The inauguration may have left many people feeling more hopeful & uplifted, but for others, not so much. It’s not like waving a magic wand and having life suddenly become a bowl of cherries. It may take months or even...
Having lived in California for over 40 years and while working as an R.N., we were very aware of emergency preparedness. I once took a 2-day earthquake preparedness class and learned that there are many more items that should be included than those that are typically...
The Five Love Languages The “Five Love Languages” is a great book by Senior Pastor Gary Chapman that has changed the way we do things as a couple. It’s very easy to read and incorporate the knowledge into your life. I loved it so much that I sent it...
I should probably be writing more content about COVID-19 just to document our experiences but I’ve not written much. We are experiencing pandemic fatigue. I’m writing today in partnership with The American Cleaning Institute to raise awareness about “pandemic...