7 Morning Rituals that Will Empower You Throughout Your Day

7 Morning Rituals that Will Empower You Throughout Your Day

I’ve been reading (and listening to) a lot of personal development books over the past 3 years and many of them share the importance of having a morning routine, a routine that happens before the business of the day sets in. Whether you are concentrating on a...
What to Look for When Purchasing a New Mattress

What to Look for When Purchasing a New Mattress

Can you get a good night’s sleep on an old mattress? Possibly not! People spend an average of one-third of their lives on beds, which makes them the home’s most-used furniture piece. The average lifespan of mattresses is 6 to 8 years, according to The Sleep...
5 Ways to Stay Hopeful During Uncertain Times

5 Ways to Stay Hopeful During Uncertain Times

5 Ways to Stay Hopeful During Uncertain Times The inauguration may have left many people feeling more hopeful & uplifted, but for others, not so much. It’s not like waving a magic wand and having life suddenly become a bowl of cherries. It may take months or even...
Emergency Preparedness for Women Over 50 (and also for Caregivers)

Emergency Preparedness for Women Over 50 (and also for Caregivers)

Having lived in California for over 40 years and while working as an R.N., we were very aware of emergency preparedness. I once took a 2-day earthquake preparedness class and learned that there are many more items that should be included than those that are typically...
Pandemic Fatigue Could Lead to a Higher Number of COVID-19 Deaths

Pandemic Fatigue Could Lead to a Higher Number of COVID-19 Deaths

  I should probably be writing more content about COVID-19 just to document our experiences but I’ve not written much. We are experiencing pandemic fatigue. I’m writing today in partnership with The American Cleaning Institute to raise awareness about “pandemic...