Many e-mail and Internet companies are now using programs to block unwanted e-mail, often called spam. Sometimes, however, these programs block the e-mail you want to get. Be sure to add the email addresses to your email whitelist to ensure the best chance of...
Those we are caring for, as well as ourselves, want to live independently as long as possible. This post from BeWellBuzz gives 3 examples of technology that can make that happen. One of the most unfortunate, yet unavoidable, aspects of aging is the...
When Mike and I met and married over 37 years ago, we were almost like the Brady Bunch times two. My five kids and his six daughters made for loud, but happy, family meals when we were all together. Like any family, we juggled the needs of our kids while working, me...
I am participating in a VIN campaign for Procera. I am receiving a fee for posting; however, the opinions expressed in this post are my own. I am in no way affiliated with Procera and do not earn a commission or percent of sales. #sharpmind #ad Does this happen to...
The following article was written by my colleague, Dr. Daisy Sutherland. She is a chiropractor and an advocate for a healthy and wholistic lifestyle. What is amazing about her is her recent transformation. At the age of 50, she was surprised to see herself so...
Lately there has been a lot of talk in the press and scientific community about how moderate brain exercise can sharpen your cognitive thinking, helping your fight against memory loss, depression and even Alzheimer’s and other dementia types. Today we will discuss how...