
march-2007-070Doo Dah Day………I bet you’re wondering what it is .  Well, I first started celebrating Doo Day Day after our pastor at church threw a Doo Dah Celebration one Sunday.  I’m probably butchering his whole theory behind it, but what I gleened from the idea was that it was a personal day of celebration and gratitude for the joys that life brings.  Yes, there are other days that we celebrate thankfulness as a culture, but sometimes the idea gets lost during the hype or just the busyness of  those days .

Usually I plan something special for my Doo Dah Day, like a visit to the spa, or a jaunt to the nursery to buy some flowers for the garden.  But because this year, I can’t leave my father alone and couldn’t find someone to stay with him, I’m “staying in”.  HOWEVER, when I awoke this morning, I did find a potted “baby rose” bush, a new book to read and a card !  YAY !

I can still be grateful though and this year I have much for which to be grateful.  Of course, I am grateful that spring is here and that flowers are beginning to bloom and trees beginning to bud.  I am also grateful for my 2 awesome kids, one of whom is a college grad and the other still attending (while working a full-time job).  My daughter just ran her fastest time ever in a  half marathon yesterday.

I am grateful for a man who has confidence in our relationship even as I have lost some faith in it.

I am grateful for the time I’m able to spend with my father, learning about his life “before kids”.  His short-term memory is gone, but his long-term memory is excellent so he has many stories to recount.  He also has a lot to teach about nature, which leads me to another joy in life….nature.

I’m thankful for “Old #7” the antique train that travels throughout p8180149Silverwood Theme Park whose whistle lets us know that time for warm weather again !

Oddly enough, I’m also thankful for the internet – that it gives me the ability to profit with purpose and to meet some pretty amazing people !  From other caregivers, to my mentor, Carrie Wilkerson, to coaches, people all around the world, I am thankful for having the ability to meet them.

I hope that you’ll all create your own Doo Dah Day and celebrate it each and every year.  Let me know when it is !!

One of the people that I met on the internet helped me to create a product which I thought I’d introduce today.  It is a spiral bound medical organizer for the care giver to keep tract of all things concerned their aging parent or loved one.

Announcing the debut of  The Care Giver’s Companion Medical Organizer.  

dscn43361Having been involved with my father’s care for several years now, I saw the need for an all inclusive medical record that I could carry with me to his various appointments. With this spiral notebook, I could not only have all information regarding my father at the ready, but I could jot down physician or other care provider’s notes (such as medication dosage changes or lab test results), keep track of medications, adverse reactions, and changes in dementia symptomatology.  There is a section where respite care providers can leave notes for you or vice versa, as well as a section where you can keep track of items that you may need for tax purposes.  It also has several folders to keep receipts handy until they can be filed at home. I’m pleased to be able to offer it to you now .  It’s been working very well for me and I know that you’ll find it very useful in your care giving roll.

Price: $27.97 USDollars


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