
Selling Your Home in a Rough Economy

by Margot McClelland

In the state of our economy, selling your home is tough. Even relatively stable markets, like Austin Real Estate, are suffering — and, regrettably, economists forecast a dreary future for real estate in the months to come. If your loved one would like to downsize to a smaller home or apartment in a more age friendly environment or move in with an adult child for caregiving and assistance, they may feel hopeless or reluctant to even put their house on the market. Luckily, there are easy ways to update the look of a home without spending lots of money. As a caregiver, you can help. Just follow these 5 easy steps and you should make a great impression on a prospective buyer and get the best offer on a home.

A charming first impression

The first things a buyer sees are the curb, porch, and garden. Although these areas are sometimes neglected for extended periods of time, a well kept garden, swept porch, and welcoming wreath can give buyers a great first impression.

A tidy home

Of course, as houses age, they may wear down in places, crack, weather, etc. While these things are bound to happen, you want a potential buyer to get the impression that someone has kept up the house, despite its age. To portray a well-maintained home, touch up all chipped paint and keep the house in pristine condition at all times. Change air filters and deep clean the carpets before showing.

Impress with appealing kitchen and bathrooms

The kitchen is the heart of any home. Families gather, mothers cook, sons and daughters lick spoons. Due to the kitchen’s familial connotations, it’s important to keep this room in great condition. If you can afford to update appliances, you should try and do so. However, if you’re strapped for cash, just give your current appliances a nice, deep clean. People also tend to closely examine bathrooms for cleanliness. Give the bathroom a scrub down from top to bottom until it shines.

Get impersonal

Last but not least, impersonalize the home. After a person has lived in a home for decades, they can accumulate a lifetime’s worth of belongings, photos, and furniture. The best way to make a house impersonal is to put all photos in boxes and stow them away. Also try and de-clutter the home to give the impression of spaciousness. A home that is impersonal and uncluttered will allow the buyer to visualize themselves and their family in the home, rather than directly seeing someone else’s family all around them.

While you may be apprehensive about selling your home or helping a loved one sell their home, with these easy pointers, you’ll surely sell in less time.

*Margot is a guest blogger on the subjects of homes and real estate.


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