
November is National Family Caregiver’s Month

There are over 65 million people in America alone, who are caring for loved ones. Some of them don’t consider themselves caregivers because they don’t feel they fall under the definition.  Just this week, a woman told me “oh, I wasn’t a...

Sweepstakes Fun From AARP!

I wanted to bring something a little fun to the table today and I was fortunate to be able to offer this new sweepstakes from AARP on the blog.  It’s not only a sweepstakes but a chance to learn about brain health (something with which those of us who have ever...
What You Need to Know About Reverse Home Mortgages

What You Need to Know About Reverse Home Mortgages

How can you deal with retiring when your income is too low? One way is to use a reverse mortgage to take advantage of your home equity, assuming you own a home. You can even explore options for refinancing reverse mortgages when you need to, such as if you want to add...

What Do You REALLY Know About Medicare?

Beginning in 2011, one baby boomer will turn 65 EVERY EIGHT SECONDS!  This, of course will make them eligible for Medicare.  But what do Baby Boomers really know about Medicare, its coverage, and its limitations?  Do they even need it and when should they sign up?...

Aging-In-Place: A Primer

What is Aging In Place and Why is it Important?              By Alesha E. Churba, guest author   An important subject just coming to the forefront of the design and construction industries is the concept of Aging In Place.  Aging In Place has a rather negative...