Finding a good doctor for an elderly loved one can be a challenge. Many rural areas and smaller towns do not have gerontologists available. This means that a family will need to look at the non-specialists available in their area to provide medical care for their...
This past couple of years, I’ve noticed many new assisted living facilities being built in the area in which I live. These are gorgeous properties with beautiful amenities throughout that have been placed there by designers hired to make them look like...
Elder care mediation is a relatively new profession and one that will be increasingly needed as more boomers care for their aging parents and also as they become elders themsleves. In a study reported by Deborah B. Gentry, it was determined that nearly 40% of adult...
If you’ve been following me for awhile, you KNOW that the majority of these goals are about taking care of yourself. Yes, I know I’m being repetitative, but you can’t take care of anyone else effectively unless you take care of yourself...
When I woke up this morning, I was crying. I had been dreaming about my father (who passed away at the end of September). I recall that in my dream, he was not alive and was propped in a chair. I was crying, saying “I’m SO sorry; I didn’t...