Finding a good doctor for an elderly loved one can be a challenge. Many rural areas and smaller towns do not have gerontologists available. This means that a family will need to look at the non-specialists available in their area to provide medical care for their...
This past couple of years, I’ve noticed many new assisted living facilities being built in the area in which I live. These are gorgeous properties with beautiful amenities throughout that have been placed there by designers hired to make them look like...
SUBTITLE: Is a Cup of Coffee Worth THIS Much Trouble? This may not sound like it’s related to caregiving at all, but indirectly, it is. My father was a coffee drinker. He probably went through about 2 pots a day up until his last year. He decreased his coffee...
Ask the Nurse is a new feature that we are offering in order to answer specific questions that you might have. If you have any questions related to caregiving or certain illnesses, I’d be more than happy to address them. If I don’t know the answer, I...
Being a caregiver is stressful work. There is no doubt about it. The constant worry, emotional fatigue, interrupted sleep patterns, and the general hustle and bustle of care giving can cause a lot of stress. While we can’t often change our care...