
little girl flowersRecently I asked members of  Twitter and Facebook to tell me what was the best thing that they had done to make their care giving role easier, better or more rewarding.

While I wasn’t that surprised by their answers, it was reinforcing to know that many of the things that I am doing are the same things that others have found helpful.  We received some GREAT answers.

In no particular order, here is what was offered.

Mark:  What I do is have a short memory so that what happens I try and forget – go to my happy memory place and move on with a smile.

Diane:  Take care of ME.

Ann:  Gave up my anger at my brother for not doing more to help.  My anger was killing me and not bothering HIM at all !

Dinah:  I joined a support group and caregiver’s workshop.

Tonya:  I take a few days off at times to refresh, and let other family members take over care duties while (I’m) away.

Colleen:  Getting a copy of  The 36 Hour Day was really helpful; watching the HBO telecasts, and viewing the CARES instruction when free.  (the HBO series can be found here on this site).

Jennifer:  Drink !  Just playing.  Actually, having patience makes my job easier.  THEN drink…every evening to make me feel better…:)  (Editor’s note: a glass of red wine at night has proven to be beneficial.)

Ellen: Caregiving got easier when I stopped fighting its takeover of m life. (i) had to let go of all else and make it front and center.

WF: Making sure I carve out some private time for myself each week.  Could be 10 minutes or an hour depending on what’s going on.  It keeps me sane and helps me to be a better care giver to my grandmother.

Carol:  Mom receives day care 5X a week (total of 20 hours). I use photography/video to make care giving an art form….and keep skills sharp.

Dave:  (I) take ME time and reward myself with something that helps me bide my time at home (usually something for my computer or a musical toy).

Howard:  For my clients in elder law practice – be willing to accept help from others; use respite care and sometimes focus on self.

All of these were wonderful ideas and I thank everyone who participated in the survey.  Please, if you have any additional ideas or any that you’d like to reinforce, feel free to comment.

What is the best thing that YOU’VE done to make your care giving role easier, better or more rewarding?


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