De-stress and Release Tension With This Quick 10-Minute Workout

De-stress and Release Tension With This Quick 10-Minute Workout

Feeling the stress of caregiving?  We understand that!  Here’s a quick 10-minute destress and stretch workout from Women’s Health that will revive your spirit and relax tense muscles. The Workout Slowly and gently move into each of the yoga poses below....
8 Ways to Find Respite Care and Get a Break From Caregiving

8 Ways to Find Respite Care and Get a Break From Caregiving

If you are a caregiver, you know that you absolutely need a break from time-to-time in order to keep your sanity.  This post from Caring.com provides 8 ways to get occasional or regular backup help for a few hours, a few days, or longer.  I used several of these...
What is CBD Oil and Can it Help Me?

What is CBD Oil and Can it Help Me?

  Recently, there have been many questions in our caregivers’ support group on Facebook about using CBD oil to help with a loved one’s anxiety, insomnia, and different types of pain.  Cannabidiol (CBD) is becoming increasingly popular because it has...

Why Caregivers Should Wear Pretty Lingerie

Let me ask you another question: would you be horrified if you were involved in an accident and your current state of lingerie affairs was there for the world to see? Well, that needs to change! I know what you’re going to say: ‘I’m not going to...
Caregivers Can “Be Impulsive” Too!

Caregivers Can “Be Impulsive” Too!

One in seven people entering the hospital needs a blood transfusion. You would think that people admitted to the hospital after an accident would be the ones that would require blood the most often, but that’s not true.  Actually, people who receive the most...