
The Senior List – a good resource for care givers

If you are involved in the care of an aging parent or loved one, then you know how often you find yourself searching for yet another doctor, lawyer, home health agency, assisted living facility, day center, durable medical equipment provider or other resource that...

Is it time to take away the keys?

My father wasn’t living with me when I received the call to come pick him up because he had just totalled his car on the freeway by merging into a semi.  Luckily no one was hurt …and he TOLD me that the semi had merged into him.  It wasn’t until...

Can Ego Get in the Way of Caregiving ?

I have to admit that I had a meltdown this week-end.  I was overwhelmed, exhausted and feeling very alone.  Caregiving is tough enough; add to that the difficulties of menopause and the symptoms are magnified   So I did what most girls would do (ok, maybe not most,...

TODAY                                                          “What day is today?”     “It’s Saturday, Dad.”     “Oh, good; then we’ll go to church tomorrow.”     “Yes, we will.”     “The snow is beginning to melt. Soon it will be gone.”     “Yes, I’ll be glad to see...

Welcome to the Ultimate blog party 2009

And welcome to Spring, as well ! While there is still at least 6 inches of snow on the ground and the temperatures have yet to be above 50, I DID see a robin yesterday and some tiny green sprouts from the Irises.  So I’m hopeful; I’m hopeful.  I...


I was reading an article in the December edition of The Costco Connection (actually, a great read, btw) and came across an article called Grand-proofing.  THEIR article was actually about making the house safe for visiting grandCHILDREN but it occurred to me that this...